January 6, 2013

  • IN SEARCH OF .... "BOB"

    Although we started early......



    ...he was ready for our arrival, whatever it brought


    "Damn! Too late to leave, they've seen my car !

    Bob Burgess has lived a full life several times over. he was one of the first, if not the first to study the phenomenon known as the Bermuda Triangle. He served in Italy in WW2, then stayed in Europe to continue his education. He worked as a stringer for several magazines, and covered the American movie stars who hung out in Spain, befriending many. He has made thousands of deep-sea dives, and salvaged old wrecks. These and other adventures are the subject of over a dozen books that he has written. 

    Seriously, we wait here until invited into his yard. You don't get on his lawn without permission.

    30 minutes, and they won't go away....ahh, just get it over with......

    Your humble blogger, Our Host, our entertainment





    Bob accompanied us to lunch, a  very good seafood diner, then we checked out some spots on Lake Seminole...

    ...and some of its denizens, such as these Coots

    ..and those ducks in the other picture

    Bob, Ron, and Hoppy. Which man has a Wikipedia entry? Who was featured in Chopper? Which two have been in Florida Sportsmen countless times because which guy is an editor for the rag?

    Lotsa land here, hopefully off limits to development

    Both cool guys, but which one is preternaturally chilly?

    Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, one lock I never traversed


    Bob showed us some spots on the lake where he used to anchor his sailboat and fish for whiting, bream. and trout. He gave us some history of the area, and took us to a nice park where I found some blewits, a tasty and pretty mushroom...


    It was a good day, a typical day in my retired life so far; now let's see what day four brings.

Comments (6)

  • Bob sounds like an interesting guy and someone worth talking to.

  • Looks like a great time with interesting people.  Can't beat that.  

  • perfect post, for a perfect excursion. Bet you ask yourself 'why didn't I do this 30 years ago'.
    I'd feel like a churl in that company. Must've been sick the day real men learned to fish.

  • Looks like a good day with good friends!  I've wondered about you as I've read about problems on the river -- if you're retired now, I guess you're not too concerned ~ ~ ~

  • G., he looks like Ernest Hemingway. Looks like you had a great time. I thought your fun wasn't to begin until March.

  • I suppose you can "fake" a wikipedia article, but you can also borrow a chopper and pay to be in a magazine. What kind of lasting monument is sort of nice? A Xanga page featuring you in it.

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