June 24, 2011


    I found a totally new place to walk, swim and take beautiful photos. That is what my blog is about, what I am about. This blog is not about baseless rumors, unfounded allegations, and the like. I hope that is clear.

    Take Environmental svcs. Rd off of hwy 79, turn left on Crew's Lake Rd, and you will end up here...

    ....a beautiful landing on the Choctawhatchee River, marred only by the gutter advertisement and...

     ...This guy. I see him following me, taking pictures. What is he up to?

    Oh well. Anyway, this is the view looking north..


    softball djellaba scandal

    That's a lie! Who said that? Where'd you get that picture that, after all, merely shows a softball in what Could be my yard. Can we get back to what is really important? Look at the odd shapes formed by the roots in the picture below... 


    He's got a bat! Look, he has a bat!
    bats djellaba scandal
    Here we go. I'm getting hacked, people! Yes, this is my patio, but that bat, and that tube that might possibly be used to send a full-sized bat to an IRA sympathizer in Ireland*, I never saw them before just now. Now, take gander at this pretty flower...

    djellaba scandal 3 
    Okay, that's my yard, but that could be anybody, anybody at all

    djellaba scandal 4 

    Yeah, it's me, yes, I'm wearing a djellaba. But do you see a bat? No bat!

    djellaba scandal2 

    djellaba scandal 

    America, I have wronged each and every one of you. I dissembled, I parsed, I out-and-out misspoke. In doing so, it may appear that I have hurt my friends and supporters, and let down those who looked to me for guidance...

    those I hurt 

    {Mel Famy has entered rehab until such time as the just-released Midnight Djellaba Basketball pictures have run the full news cycle. He asks that the media leave his family alone during this challenging time, and that politicians try to glean a lesson from this ridiculous parable.}--GC


    * Yes, I was going to mail 3 bats to Ireland for a 'friend', but the dumb-ass gave me an incomplete address. Now HE has a new address.**  

    ** jk, but isn't everybody in County Clare a sympathizer?

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